相信你已经了解了 git
- 场景一: 工作区出现意外更改且尚未添加到暂存区
开始模拟意外更改前,先查看一下 test.txt
# 列出当前目录的文件$ lsfile1.txt file2.txt file3.txt newFile.txt test.txt# 查看 `test.txt` 文件内容$ cat test.txtgit testgit initgit diffunderstand how git control versionhow git workgit tracks changes of files# 查看 `test.txt` 文件状态$ git statusOn branch masterChanges not staged for commit: (use "git add..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: test.txtUntracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) .DS_Storeno changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")# 查看 `test.txt` 文件差异$ git diff diff --git a/test.txt b/test.txtindex d31bdd2..56c76b7 100644--- a/test.txt+++ b/test.txt@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ git init git diff understand how git control version how git work-git tracks changes+git tracks changes of files$ 复制代码
还记得在上一节中我们讲解 git
版本控制的到底是什么,为了证明 git
# 工作区更改添加到暂存区$ git add test.txt# 暂存区内容提交到版本没哭$ git commit -m "git tracks changes of files"[master b7bda05] git tracks changes of files 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)# 查看文件状态$ git statusOn branch masterUntracked files: (use "git add..." to include in what will be committed) .DS_Storenothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)$ 复制代码
# 意外更改正是这么犯傻的一句话$ echo "My stupid boss still prefers svn" >> test.txt# 当前文件内容$ cat test.txtgit testgit initgit diffunderstand how git control versionhow git workgit tracks changes of filesMy stupid boss still prefers svn$ 复制代码
虽然强打精神,可还是很困,于是打算喝杯咖啡提提神,猛然发现 stupid boss 可能会让你丢掉这个月的奖金!
暗自庆幸,咖啡果然是个好东西,既然发现了问题,那就事不宜迟赶紧修复,因为不适宜的话正是 stupid boss ,所以你完全可以手动删除,但是假如你说了一大堆不合适的话,或者复制粘贴时弄错了,这就不是删除一两行那么简单了!
帮助前,首先再看一下当前文件状态(git status
# 查看文件状态$ git statusOn branch masterChanges not staged for commit: (use "git add..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: test.txtUntracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) .DS_Storeno changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")$ 复制代码
不负众望,果然给了我们希望,(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
脑海中在快速回忆一下工作区,暂存区,版本库三者之间的关系,其实git checkout -- <file>
事不宜迟,运行 git checkout -- <file>
# 丢弃工作区的更改$ git checkout -- test.txt# 查看文件内容: My stupid boss still prefers svn 终于不见了$ cat test.txtgit testgit initgit diffunderstand how git control versionhow git workgit tracks changes of files# 查看文件状态$ git statusOn branch masterUntracked files: (use "git add..." to include in what will be committed) .DS_Storenothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)$ 复制代码
git checkout -- <file>
- 场景二: 工作区出现意外更改且已经添加到暂存区,但尚未提交到版本库
时间一分一秒过去了,转眼间已经11点了,假设你不但写了一些胡话,还添加到暂存区了(git add
# 模拟正常提交(不然岂不是从场景一到场景二你什么都没做,那还能叫做赶制工作报告吗?!)$ echo "someone prefers svn,but i don't care it" >> test.txt$ cat test.txtgit testgit initgit diffunderstand how git control versionhow git workgit tracks changes of filessomeone prefers svn,but i don't care it$ git add test.txt$ git commit -m "normal commit"[master ab1cbd2] normal commit 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)# 意外更改的前夕 $ cat test.txtgit testgit initgit diffunderstand how git control versionhow git workgit tracks changes of filessomeone prefers svn,but i don't care it# 意外更改内容: my teammate is stupid too.$ echo "my teammate is stupid too." >> test.txt$ cat test.txtgit testgit initgit diffunderstand how git control versionhow git workgit tracks changes of filessomeone prefers svn,but i don't care itmy teammate is stupid too.# 意外操作: 将意外更改内容提交到暂存区$ git add test.txt 复制代码
不过庆幸的是,在提交到版本库(git commit
)之前及时发现问题,还是看一下现在的文件状态(git status
# 查看文件状态: 救命稻草 (use "git reset HEAD..." to unstage)$ git statusOn branch masterChanges to be committed: (use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage) modified: test.txtUntracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) .DS_Store$ 复制代码
同样告诉我们,可以使用 git reset HEAD <file>
其实 git reset HEAD <file>
所以说这个命令并不会影响工作区内容,不如我们现在再看一眼工作区内容,方便执行 git reset HEAD <file>
# 查看文件内容: my teammate is stupid too.$ cat test.txtgit testgit initgit diffunderstand how git control versionhow git workgit tracks changes of filessomeone prefers svn,but i don't care itmy teammate is stupid too.$ 复制代码
迫不及待执行 git reset HEAD <file>
# 救命稻草: 版本库内容替换掉暂存区内容$ git reset HEAD test.txtUnstaged changes after reset:M test.txt# 效果: 目标文件已修改但未添加到暂存区$ git statusOn branch masterChanges not staged for commit: (use "git add..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: test.txtUntracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) .DS_Storeno changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")# 目标文件内容: 仍然保持不变$ cat test.txtgit testgit initgit diffunderstand how git control versionhow git workgit tracks changes of filessomeone prefers svn,but i don't care itmy teammate is stupid too.$ 复制代码
git checkout -- test.txt
- 场景三: 工作区出现意外更改不仅已添加到暂存区,还已提交到版本库,但尚未推送到远程仓库
时间不紧不慢地已经到凌晨了,困意越来越浓,洋洋洒洒写下几千字的工作报告,总算是写完了,添加到暂存区(git add
),提交到版本库(git commit
# 衔接场景二$ cat test.txtgit testgit initgit diffunderstand how git control versionhow git workgit tracks changes of filessomeone prefers svn,but i don't care it# 正常提交一$ echo "i love working,work makes me happy" >> test.txt$ git add test.txt$ git commit -m "encourage myself"[master a44cf7a] encourage myself 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)# 正常提交二$ echo "fix 110 bugs,so happy" >> test.txt$ git add test.txt$ git commit -m "fix bugs"[master c66399d] fix bugs 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)sunpodeMacBook-Pro:demo sunpo$ git statusOn branch masterUntracked files: (use "git add..." to include in what will be committed) .DS_Storenothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)# 意外更改: hate to work overtime$ echo "hate to work overtime" >> test.txt$ git add test.txt$ git commit -m "test.txt"[master c965724] test.txt 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) $ 复制代码
天妒英才,加班加点做事情,本想赢得老板的赏识,没想到最后一句话"hate to work overtime"让所有的努力都付之一炬,怎么办?
死马当活马医,还是照例看看git status
$ git statusOn branch masterUntracked files: (use "git add..." to include in what will be committed) .DS_Storenothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)$ 复制代码
# 当前文件内容: 闯祸的"hate to work overtime"$ cat test.txtgit testgit initgit diffunderstand how git control versionhow git workgit tracks changes of filessomeone prefers svn,but i don't care iti love working,work makes me happyfix 110 bugs,so happyhate to work overtime# 版本回退: 回到过去假装什么都没发生过$ git reset --hard HEAD^HEAD is now at c66399d fix bugssunpodeMacBook-Pro:demo sunpo$ git statusOn branch masterUntracked files: (use "git add..." to include in what will be committed) .DS_Storenothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)# 岁月静好,一切似乎都没发生过$ cat test.txtgit testgit initgit diffunderstand how git control versionhow git workgit tracks changes of filessomeone prefers svn,but i don't care iti love working,work makes me happyfix 110 bugs,so happy# 当前文件状态$ git statusOn branch masterUntracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) .DS_Storenothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)$ 复制代码
git reset --hard HEAD^
- 场景四: 工作区出现意外更改不仅已添加到暂存区,还提交到版本库,还已推送到远程仓库
正常的提交更改还好,怕就怕这种"stupid boss"被领导看到就不好了,那应该怎么办?暂时还是自求多福吧!
- 丢弃工作区更改:
git checkout -- <file>
- 丢弃暂存区更改:
git reset HEAD <file>
- 丢弃本地版本库更改:
git reset --hard HEAD^
- 丢弃远程版本库更改: 自求多福